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  • Heart Failure Management System

    HFMS patient FAQs

    ZOLL HFMS is an advanced technology that helps your care team understand your condition and how you are responding to different therapies prescribed by your doctor. Get answers to commonly asked questions here.

    man grilling outside with ZOLL Heart Failure Management System (HFMS) patch overlay

    What is heart failure?

    Heart failure is a condition in which the heart muscle is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs. This can result in extra fluid build up in the lungs which can make it hard to breathe. Every year about one million patients are hospitalized for heart failure with nearly 1 in 3 patients needing to return to the hospital within 3 months.1,2

    What is the ZOLL Heart Failure Management System (HFMS) and what does it do?

    ZOLL HFMS is a patch and sensor used for at-home monitoring of lung fluid levels in patients with heart failure.

    ZOLL HFMS helps your physician personalize your care. This patch-based system monitors lung fluid levels so that your doctor can help you manage your heart failure even before signs and symptoms begin. Once you're set up with the system, your medical care team will monitor you and contact you when necessary. There's no monitoring or worrying on your part.

    Why was ZOLL HFMS prescribed to me?

    Your care team prescribed HFMS to help manage your heart failure as you get back to your life. The information collected by HFMS can help your care team make changes to your care plan; these changes can help to keep you from returning to the hospital.

    It is important to wear your device for as long as your doctor has recommended or until your doctor tells you to stop wearing it, even if you do not feel a change of your symptoms. This allows your doctor to be alerted and action to be taken before symptoms occur.

    How do you start ZOLL HFMS?

    After your doctor prescribes ZOLL HFMS, you will receive a package containing all parts of the device.

    Contact ZOLL before using your device for the first time to allow us to assist with setup. If you do not call within two days of receiving your device, a ZOLL representative will call you to help with setup. 


    Where do I place the device?

    You can watch this video on proper patch placement.

    How often do the HFMS Sensor and Gateway need to be charged?

    The HFMS sensor needs to be charged for a total of 1 hour every 5 days. We recommend removing it and charging it during your daily shower.

    The HFMS Gateway should be charged for 3 hours every day. We recommend charging it at night while you sleep.


    How often do I change the HFMS Patch? How should I change it?

    The patch must be changed every 7 days. You can watch this video on proper patch changing technique.

    Can I wear ZOLL HFMS in the shower?

    The HFMS Patch is water resistant and should be worn in the shower. You should only remove the HFMS Patch once every 7 days. 

    The HFMS Sensor is water resistant and can be worn in the shower; however, we recommend removing it and charging it during this time.

    What happens if I run out of patches?

    If you run out of patches, please call ZOLL at 1-888-592-3798 and more patches will be shipped directly to you.

    Will it work if I leave the house? What if I leave the U.S.?

    The Gateway must be taken with the patient when they leave the house in order to send data. The Gateway should be within 30 feet of the patient at all times. ZOLL HFMS will NOT work properly if you leave the U.S. 

    How do you contact us?

    Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1.888.592.3798.

    *FDA registered name: μCor™ Heart Failure and Arrhythmia Management System

    1. Benjamin EJ, Blaha MJ, Chiuve SE et al. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2019 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association. Circulation 2019;139:e56-e528.
    2. Khan MS, Sreenivasan J, Lateef N, et al. Trends in 30- and 90-Day Readmission Rates for Heart Failure. Circ Heart Fail. 2021;14(4):e008335.

    We’re here to help. Anytime.

    ZOLL has supported more than one million patients like you for over 20 years. For 24/7 phone support, call 1-888-592-3798. You can also email CardiacSupport@zoll.com or visit our support page to send us your question.
