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    Clinical outcomes

    With 20+ years of clinical evidence, LifeVest® is the only WCD proven to reduce mortality in a randomized controlled trial (RCT).

    Cardiologist sitting and talking with a LifeVest wearable cardioverter defibrillator patient
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    The only WCD proven to reduce mortality with RCT data

    VEST: The Vest Prevention of Early Sudden Death Trial

    Randomized controlled trial of over 2,000 patients to study the use of the WCD and its effect on sudden death and total mortality in early post-MI, low-EF (EF ≤ 35%) patients at 90 days, including an initial intent-to-treat analysis and subsequent per-protocol analysis. The per-protocol results demonstrated that patients that wore LifeVest realized significant mortality reductions in the first 90 days.

    KM curve showing sudden arrhythmic death in the VEST Trial Per-Protocol Analysis KM curve showing death from any cause in the VEST Trial Per-Protocol Analysis

    Peer-reviewed studies across hundreds of thousands of patients

    WCD Meta-Analysis

    2.6% VT/VF event rate across 11 studies including 19,882 mixed etiology patients (including NICM & ICM)

    Meta-analysis of patients prescribed the WCD, which assessed the occurrence of sustained VT events and evaluated the use and effectiveness of WCDs among at-risk cardiac patients.

    See the full results >

    AArD Algorithm Performance Evaluation

    An AI-enhanced algorithm resulted in zero median false alarms at 90 days in this 96,000 patient analysis

    Retrospective analysis of 96,000 commercial LifeVest WCD patients to study the impact of the Advanced Arrhythmia Discrimination Algorithm (AArD), a noise processing algorithm, on the arrhythmia alarm rate.

    See the full results >

    WEARIT-II Registry

    90% one-year survival in patients who experienced VT/VF, with 1 in 14 of all LifeVest patients experiencing an actionable arrhythmia

    Prospective registry of 2,000 US patients assessed the safety and efficacy of the WCD in real-world setting.

    See the full results >

    WEARIT France

    Median daily wear time of 23.4 hours/day with an VT event rate of 3.1%

    Multi-centered, observational study of more than 1,000 French patients evaluated WCD efficacy and patient experience in real world setting.

    See the full results

    U.S. National WCD Experience

    Long-term survival analysis across more than 3,500 LifeVest WCD patients

    Retrospective study compared the long-term survival of more than 3,500 patients who wore the LifeVest WCD to the patients who underwent first ICD implantation.

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    German WCD Study

    Safety & efficacy assessment of more than 6,000 LifeVest WCD patients in the German healthcare system

    Retrospective study of more than 6,000 German patients evaluated safety and efficacy of the WCD in the German healthcare system.

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    Post-MI WCD Study

    Assessment of 8,400 patients prescribed the LifeVest WCD during the post-MI waiting period

    Retrospective study examined the utility of providing the WCD to more than 8,400 patients determined to be at high risk of SCD during the post-MI waiting period.

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    Post-Revascularization Study

    90-day survival analysis across nearly 5,000 post-PCI and post-CABG patients prescribed the LifeVest WCD

    Retrospective observational parallel cohort study compared mortality outcomes of nearly 5,000 post-revascularization high-risk SCD patients.

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    1. Olgin JE, Lee BK, Vittinghoff E, et al. Impact of wearable cardioverter-defibrillator compliance on outcomes in the VEST trial: As-treated and per-protocol analyses. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2020;1–10. https://doi.org/10.1111/jce.14404.
    2. Kutyifa V, Moss A, Klein H, et al. One-Year Follow-Up of the Prospective Registry of Patients Using the Wearable Defibrillator (WEARIT-II Registry). Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2018;1–7. https://doi.org/10.1111/pace.13448
    3. Arkles, J., Delaughter, C. & D’Souza, B. A novel artificial intelligence based algorithm to reduce wearable cardioverter-defibrillator alarms. J Interv Card Electrophysiol (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10840-023-01497-w
    4. Garcia R, Combes N, Defaye P, et al. Wearable cardioverter-defibrillator in patients with a transient risk of sudden cardiac death: the WEARIT-France cohort study. EP Europace. 2020;23(1):73-81. doi:10.1093/europace/euaa268
    5. Data on file, 90d0258_a01. 2021 Commercial Compliance Analysis.

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    ZOLL is ready to assist you in meeting your care goals. The team that has supported more 1M+ LifeVest patients over 20+ years now offers a suite of solutions. Connect with an expert for personalized support.

    Medical professionals looking at a tablet in hospital hallway